Divine Healing must never be confused with so called ‘faith healing’ or ‘spiritual healing’. Divine Healing is an operation of the blessed Holy Spirit upon our natural beings. When the sick and suffering touched Jesus virtue went out of Him and the power of the Holy Spirit flowed from the Saviour.
Divine Healing is a gift of God’s grace made available to us through the atoning ministry of Jesus. Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet, predicted this when he wrote, WITH HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED. Before Jesus was crucified He was savagely scourged, receiving many stripes. Christ suffered, ‘bearing our sins and our sicknesses’. (Matthew 8:17). (Peter 2:24). Jesus paid the price for our salvation and healing.
Divine Healing is the children’s bread i.e. The right of every Christian who will believe and trust the Lord without wavering. Through the suffering of Christ God has willed Divine Healing to all who will trust and obey.
The verb ‘to heal’ means to recover. This suggests that healing is a process rather than an instant or immediate event. Divine Healing therefore means a progressive restoration aided by the operation of the Holy Spirit. Many Christians make the mistake of confusing a healing with a miracle. A miracle is usually an instant restoration while healing is progressive.
Never lose heart if you are not healed straight away. The nobleman’s son in the gospel of John began to RECOVER from the hour Jesus spoke the word of healing. The son was not instantly made whole. The blind man from Bethsaida was blessed TWICE by the Lord Jesus. He was not immediately restored.
Naaman the Syrian leper washed SEVEN times before he was eventually cured.
Divine Healing can be experienced through the following Biblical means :-
1 Laying on of hands in Jesus’ name.
2 Anointing with oil
3 The Prayer of Faith
4 Fasting and prayer.
5 Anointed Handkerchiefs
6 Communion service.
7 Gifts of healing.
Thebasic stepsare:-
(1) Make certain that you are in a right relationship with God by asking forgiveness of sin and dedicating your life to Christ.
(2) Recognise Christ bore your sicknesses and afflictions. Give thanks for this gracious provision and take one of the Divine Healing steps mentioned previously.
(3) Pray and believe, carefully noting the promised scripture and time of believing.
(4) From that moment believe God is at work through the Holy Spirit blessing and healing you.
(5) Regularly remind the Lord of His promise and thank Him in faith for your cure.
(6) Wisely and positively act your healing in Jesus’ Name.
(7) Give glory to God for your cure.